Tumaini International

A Family in Need

A Family in Need

Meet Rosemary, the mother of eight kids. Unfortunately, their father left home years ago when the financial situation became dire. Additionally, Rosemary took in her nephew when he was a small child after his mother passed away. She also has taken in two of her grandchildren. Her three eldest children have graduated from school and struggle to find daily work to contribute to the family. What makes things even more challenging is that one of her children was born with a skin condition, a second child has a groin hernia, and a third child has tongue tie. Due to their financial position, she has not been able to get good medication or treatment for her children. Furthermore, her fourth born son had to drop out of school in the eleventh grade due to lack of school fees even though he was so close to graduating.

Please join us in fighting extreme poverty in Kenya. This family is just one example of the many families struggling to survive in this region. Their struggle is a daily challenge. Tumaini can make a difference with your help. We ask you to consider sponsoring one of Rosemary’s children today. By paying for their school and medical needs, you can provide them hope in their current situation. Our goal is to give them basic needs so that they can have an opportunity to thrive.

Eternally grateful,

Stanley Mutunga

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