Tumaini International

Sponsor Partnership with Guardians

Sponsor Partnership with Guardians

When a child is sponsored through Tumaini, a partnership is established between that sponsor and the guardians. This model of support provides both a loving home and financial stability in a family setting. One such example is the family of Katana and Rukia, parents of six children in the coastal Kilifi region.  ”When Tumaini came to sponsor kids, I am glad that four of my kids got sponsored,” said Katan. Even with sponsorship, these parents work hard to provide all that they can for their family. Every day, Rukia wakes up at 5am to prepare her kids for school, works tirelessly through the day and then helps with evening homework. Rukia raises ducks and chickens and explains, “I sometimes sell the ducks and chicken(s) if I am in need of money to cover for any basic needs in the family. I also use the eggs I get from the chicken and ducks for food for my kids,” Katana also farms coconuts and mangos and has recently launched a new business selling fish. Every day, Katana uses a bicycle to cycle to the nearest town which is over 12 miles away from his home to buy fresh fish. He buys fish and then fries the fish then cycles through his neighborhood selling the fried fish door to door. The business gives Katana an additional profit of $3 per day and additional fish to feed his family. He explained that the small economic activities that he does with his wife help them in to pay a portion of the school fees for their kids who are in high school. It also helps them in taking care of other daily expenses for their kids such as providing transport money for the kids to go to school and buying them civilian clothes. . “I really thank God that Tumaini came through and partnered with me in taking care of my kids. This partnership has lessened the burden of providing basic needs for my family,” Said Katana.

All of us at Tumaini are grateful to the sponsors who have stepped up to help this family and so many more. Your sponsorship and partnership inspire hope everyday.  If you are considering sponsorship, please visit our website or contact us to connect you with a child and guardian in need.  It only takes $38 per month to create a life-changing partnership both for you and the Kenyan family.

Eternally grateful,
