Tumaini International

Masks & Medical Clinic

Masks & Medical Clinic

Tumaini Masks

Did you receive yours? By now most of you have received Tumaini masks marking our 20 years of providing hope to thousands of vulnerable children and their communities.  They were mailed to our 2020 donors for whom we had mailing addresses. We are deeply grateful to God for His faithfulness, every step of the way!  We thank each one of you for your faithful partnership in prayers and financial support.  It is truly gratifying to know that some of you started with us on day one and are still going strong. We are eternally grateful to you.  If you have received a mask, we are kindly asking you to “wear and share” the story of Tumaini wherever a mask is required. Also please post to social media and tag us and include the hashtag "#Tumaini20years." Please use the enclosed business cards containing our contact information and a QR code for sharing and directing any interested friends, family, and acquaintances to Tumaini’s social media and website. Also, if you are a donor and did not receive one please email us your mailing address and we will mail them as supplies last. If you would like more masks, let us know and we will send you additional masks for a minimum donation of $10.

As part of our 20th anniversary, we have a goal to raise $100,000 this year to complete Phase One of our medical clinic expansion.  Our long-term goal is to transform the clinic to Tumaini Mission Hospital and provide more services to our sponsored children and the surrounding communities. Please watch for our video updates coming this summer.  If you would like to make a designated donation toward our goal, please go online NOW or send a check with the medical clinic in the memo.

I am looking forward to serving with you as we celebrate God’s faithfulness for 20 years!


As of Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

  • This week the daily positivity rate has been going up and down. Today it was 7.5%,

  • Schools re-opened last week across the country for in-person learning. Great news indeed!

  • Except for passengers traveling from India, international travel restrictions have been lifted but still with covid protocols specific to the country being observed.

  • There were 1,013 new positive cases, another decrease by over 1,000 from last week bringing the total to 166,006.

  • There were 71 deaths this past week, the fewest we have seen in the recent past, bringing the total to 3,021.

  • Nightly curfews continue from 10:00 to 4:00 am.

  • Some 933,826 people have been vaccinated so far.

  • We continue to thank God for His protection. Except for one guardian who tested positive for Covid-19, all the children and their families that we support remain safe. Our staff is all doing well and continuing to serve.