Tumaini International

Now A Pharmacist

Now A Pharmacist

Now A Pharmacist

Esther is a woman of few but measured wordsRecently she sat down with our staff and reminisced on her journey: “I was very happy to know that my hope was rekindled. I committed myself to work hard in school to utilize the opportunity offered through Tumaini."  Before her sponsorship, Esther remembers how “everything was very difficult."  When their single mother had passed away at her [Esther] tender age of 13 years, Esther and her young sister became very vulnerable. Their immediate guardians were not financially able to support them. But everything changed when one of Esther’s elementary teachers introduced her to Tumaini. She was sponsored in her freshman year in high school and stayed on through the completion of her college education.  In college at Thika School of Medical and Health Sciences, Esther pursued a Diploma in Community Health Nursing, graduating in 2014.  Since 2016, Esther has been working as a pharmacist at a Catholic medical facility.

 Esther is deeply indebted to her sponsors.  Said she recently: “I thank Tumaini …., especially Pathway Christian Church (Riverside, CA) for trusting in my ability and the opportunity offered through sponsorship. You have made me the person that I am today. You changed my life for the best, I am who I am today because of you, may the Name of God be Glorified! “

Pathway Christian Church has been an amazing partner for more than a decade. Through this partnership, tens of vulnerable children have found hope, and many are thriving in various professional fields.  Thank you, Pathway, and many other churches who are staunch partners.  If your church would be interested in partnering with Tumaini to change the lives of vulnerable children, please contact us TODAY.  Also, for those interested in sponsoring a vulnerable child to change their story like Esther’s, please go online and select a child or contact us.  Remember, it costs only $38 a month to bring concrete hope to a vulnerable child.

Thank you for changing the lives of thousands of vulnerable children and communities.  One child at a time. One community at a time.


As of Monday, May 24th, 2021

  • During the past week, the daily positivity rate has been going up and down. On Monday it stood at 5.7%.

  • Since schools re-opened for in-person learning a couple of weeks ago, there has not been a sharp rise in new cases. Terrific news!

  • Except for passengers traveling from India, international travel restrictions have been lifted but still with covid protocols specific to the country being observed.

  • There were 2,537 new positive cases, a slight increase from the previous week bringing the total to 168,543.

  • There were 52 deaths this past week, the fewest we have seen in the recent past, bringing the total to 3,073.

  • Nightly curfews continue from 10:00 to 4:00 am.

  • Some 954,515 people have been vaccinated so far.

  • We continue to thank God for His protection. Except for one guardian who tested positive for Covid-19, all the children and their families that we support remain safe. Our staff is all doing well and continuing to serve.