Tumaini International

Grateful Beyond Measure

Grateful Beyond Measure

"I strongly feel loved, cared for, and esteemed when I reflect on good deeds done to me unconditionally by Tumaini. I am currently helping my three orphaned cousins to also realize their dreams like I did," said Cyrus, a Tumaini alumni and now a great high school teacher. The 30-year-old Biology & Chemistry teacher was sponsored by Bill & Saren through the completion of university education in Kampala, Uganda. Cyrus lost his mother at the tender age of five. Thank you to his uncle and aunt that cared for him from that early age to the completion of his education. After completing his education, he taught at Tumaini Girls High School for three years where he not only excelled as a teacher and Deputy Principal but also as a role model to his students. At a recent interview, Cyrus reminisced on the fond memories as a Tumaini beneficiary…." I thank God for using Tumaini as a vessel and my donors [Bill & Saren] for their significant role to transform my life and bringing light to my family through education. I remember I used to receive a school uniform, food provisions on severe drought seasons, free medical care, spiritual growth through organized camps, and quality meals during the one-week camp (TUBE). Above all, I [still] get regular mentorship from my donor when he and his family write letters to me."

A month ago, Sunday, October 3, 2021, Cyrus married the love of his life, Carol! As a Tumaini family, we look back and rejoice with Cyrus considering the obstacles that he faced as a vulnerable child to a man that he has become. He is now giving hope to his family and the students he is teaching. Thank you Bill & Saren for investing in this amazing man! Thank you to everyone who has given hope to vulnerable children and completely transformed their lives. If you would like to give hope to a vulnerable child through sponsorship, please go online or contact us TODAY and we will connect you to a vulnerable child. It costs $38 a month to create another beautiful story like Cyrus.

Thank you everyone for changing the lives of vulnerable children…one child at a time.

Covid 19 Update: Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

This week, the overall Covid- 19 numbers across the country continue to trend in the right direction! For instance:

-The average positivity rate went down to 2.4% from the previous week which is slightly lower than last week but still, overall, trending in the right direction!

-There were 409 new cases reported, which is almost half of what was reported in the previous week. The total caseload is now 253,409.

-There were 25 reported, about the same number as reported in the previous week. Total deaths now stand at 5,282.

-There is continued positive uptake of vaccines across the country from previous weeks!

-There is also more availability of vaccines than ever before. These include Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna (from the US), AstraZeneca (from the UK), and Sinopharm (from China).