Tumaini International

After School Programs

After School Programs

After School Programs

“We are happy that our children are busy, engaged both spiritually and academically. Thank you to all who are involved in organizing the program for our children. May God bless you all’’, said Mueni, a guardian of one of our sponsored children in Kitise Village, Makueni County and Kyumbi Town (Machakos County).

With elementary and high schools remaining mostly closed since mid-March due to Covid-19, Tumaini has consistently sought ways to keep the children engaged.  Virtual learning continues at our girls’ high school. One other program that we have launched in several villages and regions is the equivalent of an after-school programs in Western countries.  However, Tumaini programs are much more as they are geared to reach the children holistically-- academically, socially, physically, and spiritually.

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been focused on these villages and towns: Mwingi (Kitui County), Kitise (Makueni County), Dzimanya (Kwale County) and Gongoni (Kilifi County).  The children are being engaged in communication skills, life skills, talent naturing, mentorship sessions, and other topics covered in school syllabus.  We are grateful for the many regional professional volunteers who have joined our staff to impact the lives of these precious children. According to our field staff, the program has had a positive impact on our kids especially in the Kilifi region where communication has been a great challenge before. 

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Hope Fund to make these life-saving programs possible. Your investment is making eternal difference in the lives of hundreds of our children as they continue to stay home where they face myriads of challenges.  If you can give a designated donation to Hope Funds, please do so TODAY. Your donation, however large or small, will go a long way in helping us serve these children.

Always grateful to you for your partnership that brings hope to thousands of vulnerable children and their communities.


Stanley Mutunga
President & CEO



As of Wednesday, October 7, 2020:

  • The daily positivity cases have remained largely flat over the past several weeks. 

  • 39,907 total confirmed cases (1,378, slightly higher than last week)

  • 748 deaths (the number went slightly higher this week)

  • 47 Counties affected, covering the entire country 

We continue to thank God for His protection. All the children and the families that we support remain safe.  Our staff are all doing well and continuing to serve.