Tumaini International

International Day of the Girl Child

International Day of the Girl Child

You have given me more than I could ever ask for. There is this spark of hope in me that tomorrow will be better than yesterday”. These vivid words were spoken by Elizabeth in a recent interview.

As an organization that serves vulnerable girls and boys, we are joining the rest of the world this week in celebrating the girl child.  In 2011, a United Nations resolution established October 11 as International Day of the Girl Child.  This was a culmination of a focused girl-led advocacy around the world to address the unique challenges and discrimination against girls globally. At Tumaini, while not ignoring the boy child, we have been very intentional is giving the girl child an opportunity to grow and thrive into the women that God has destined for them. A few years later, I was sponsored by Tumaini. I was so happy! I finally joined high school and Tumaini paid my school fees through the four years. In addition to school fees, I remember how I could go to the Tumaini offices during school opening days and inform Esther K about some personal needs, and, as a mother, she could always provide.

 Elizabeth, who is featured this week is a 23-year-old college student.  Her life story is an example of the myriads of challenges that many vulnerable girl children go through in most developing countries.  The good news is that there is something that we can all do to alleviate their suffering.  Here is some of what Elizabeth shared this week:“I am the eldest in a family of two.  Elijah is my young brother.  What I am about to share here is the story of how God changed my life from that of pain and misery to that of hope and joy. Having lost my parents at a tender age, that is back in 2003, I knew my life was shattered. Yes, I was young, but I knew that life was going to be hard.  Luckily, my grandmother took us in but then she could not do much since she was old. She passed on in 2014. Life was hard, and I must confess many a times I gave up. Many a times I tried to commit suicide but unsuccessfully. It was scary for me to think about the future. Then I came to learn about Tumaini through Agnes, one of the board members at the time. A few years later, I was sponsored by Tumaini. I was so happy! I finally joined high school and Tumaini paid my school fees through the four years. In addition to school fees, I remember how I could go to the Tumaini offices during school opening days and inform Esther K about some personal needs, and, as a mother, she could always provide.Although I passed my high school exam well, I did not join college right away. I worked as a house girl for three years and I finally got a chance through Tumaini and the support of Geoffrey to join college. I am currently a third-year student pursuing nursing program at Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC). I am grateful that during this COVID-19 pandemic, Tumaini has given me an internship opportunity to serve at the Medical Clinic. It is a whole lot of new experience and am so excited about it.

One thing that motivates me to study hard is because I understand that having a chance to go to college is not my right, but it is a privilege… When I look at my life now, I see God. I see the greatness of God. I now have this hope that life is way better than I once thought. I would like to thank Tumaini for believing in this girl. As a nurse, I look forward to impacting lives within my sphere of influence. Thank you for giving me hope."

We are so happy for Elizabeth. We are equally proud and privileged to call her our colleague.  Witnessing the growth and success of Elizabeth is the hallmark of our calling.  Thank you to her earlier sponsors and to Geoffrey for giving Elizabeth tangible hope.  Thank you to everyone who has sponsored a child and given them lasting hope. On this International Week of the Girl Child, you have an incredible opportunity to give hope to a girl who is in desperate need of hope. You can offer this hope through a monthly sponsorship at just $38 a monthIf you would like to start your sponsorship TODAY, go online or call our office and begin your journey of creating another beautiful story of hope.Sincerely,

Stanley Mutunga
President & CEO


As of Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

  • The daily positivity cases have gone up this past week compared to the previous ones. 

  • 42,541 total confirmed cases. Thus 2,634 new cases which is higher than last week.

  • 797 total deaths (the number went slightly higher this week by 49)

  • 47 Counties affected, covering the entire country 

We continue to thank God for His protection. All the children and the families that we support remain safe.  Our staff are all doing well and continuing to serve.