Tumaini International

The Daily Routine of Elijah, a Vocational Student

The Daily Routine of Elijah, a Vocational Student

Elijah is a second-year student training in welding.  The 16-year-old boy did not perform well enough to join a competitive high school. He was, however, always interested in working with his hands so he chose to pursue vocational training so that he could learn an employable skill. Providentially, there is a vocational college within walking distance of his rural home, just outside of Machakos city, SE Kenya. Elijah walks approximately one mile each way to get to school. Since classes begin at 8:30 am, his day begins around 7:00am. Classes run  through 4:00 pm with lunch and other short breaks in between.

Our staff spent a day with Elijah and when they visited the school, it was clear that he is doing very well as attested by one of these trainers: “Elijah has been one of our most focused students in the entire school. He is a fast learner and always asks questions if he does not understand something in class”.

During a recent interview, Elijah shared excitedly about his favorite chore when he walks home to school each day: When I get home, I feed  my chicken and my  dogs.  One time, my sponsor, Sheri sent me a gift of chickens and I loved feeding them.  I have four chickens now and I want them to continue multiplying more.” Elijah continued to share how these chickens have given him and his family eggs which the family uses for consumption.

Elijah has a big dream: He wants to one day start his own welding company and from the proceeds, help other vulnerable children in his village.  Elijah concluded the day by thanking his sponsor, Sheri, for the monumental support that has given him hope through education and a fresh start in life. If you would like to sponsor a child and give them the chance to completely change their life the way Sheri has for Elijah, click on the button below.


I am ever grateful for your amazing prayers and financial support,

Stanley M. Mutunga
President and CEO