Tumaini International

Grateful For A New Home

Grateful For A New Home

“It was dangerous for all of us and most of the time, I could not sleep in fear that the remaining walls would collapse and hurt us”. Sober words recently shared by a grateful, Grandmother Esther.  This was after Tumaini built her and her grandchildren a brand-new house. While we do not build houses for all the children and families that we partner to support, quite often we encounter some families who, despite their best efforts, find themselves in deplorable circumstances.  That was the case with Esther and her three grandsons. Her house collapsed last year, and she had no financial means to build another one.  Esther takes care of her three grandsons, Manthi, Ndavi, and Anthony, along with their mother, her daughter Agnes, who has some mental challenges. “I am so grateful to Tumaini for coming to our rescue when we had no hope…. we used to sleep in this collapsed structure because we had no other option," said Esther pointing at the collapsed house.  Esther was especially grateful to Byron and Chris for sponsoring her grandsons and now they have a safe place to stay.

Martina was equally grateful that through Tumaini, the family got a 3-bed room house after their initial house collapsed. The 20-year-old Martina, who is a junior in high school lives with her widowed dad and her nephew Brian who is also sponsored through Tumaini.  Having a basic shelter is something so many of us take for granted.  Not so Martina. She was especially grateful for the many practical purposes that this house is now serving her and Brian. "My books and clothes are now safe, and I can now study comfortably at night which was not the case before," said Martina. This house has given Martina confidence even in her academic pursuit. The entire family is incredibly grateful for Martina’s sponsor, Ann who funded the construction of their beautiful new home.

Over the years, Tumaini has built dozens of houses for extremely needy families.  Thank you to those who have participated in this worthy cause.  Vulnerable children and families face myriads of challenges and a simple house for them to sleep and study goes a long way to bringing tangible hope. If you would like to give a designated donation for a house for a needy family, please go online and do so, or simply mail a designated check.  We will let you know the family and photos that you have supported.

Thank you for your incredible support as we continue to bring tangible hope to children and families.


Stanley Mutunga

COVID-19 Update:

As of Wednesday, March 31, 2021

  • This week the daily positivity rate is averaging at 15% as the third wave rages on.

  • Sad to report that due to the intensity of the third wave of the coronavirus across the country, the government has closed all schools except the 12th-grade class students who are taking their national exit exam.

  • With the students now staying at home for an indefinite period, this creates a myriad of social and economic challenges. Pray for wisdom as we handle this situation.

  • There were 9,351 new positive cases, still a sharp increase from last week bringing the total so far to 134,058.

  • 87 people lost their lives this past week, a slightly lower number compared to last week.

  • The total number of people who have lost their lives now is 2,153.

  • Last week, the nightly curfew was adjusted from 8:00 to 4:00 am and extended for another two months.