Tumaini International

Food Distribution

Food Distribution

For two consecutive years, a severe drought has hit many of the regions where we serve vulnerable communities resulting in crop failures and thus triggering food shortages. This, coupled with lockdowns due to the Covid-19 pandemic, has affected millions of small retail businesses that are critical for economic activities. The overall situation has led to many school-aged children and elderly guardians going without basic food supplies. Equally, millions in rural Kenya have been hit by a massive water shortage.

Tumaini has responded by distributing food, especially to the most hit areas. For example, during the past two weeks, we have distributed 24,604 pounds of foodstuffs to 156 families including 248 vulnerable children in far-flung regions. In addition, every single day we have been providing food to anywhere from 5 to 6  needy families at our office. This exercise has been made possible through your generosity. 

Thank you for your child sponsorship and general support that is making it possible for us to provide desperately needed food to our sponsored children and their families. Special thanks to our partner foundations who have given extra cash to boost the massive food distribution. However, we will need to continue providing food for several months, until December when these communities begin harvesting food  (assuming sufficient rains fall later this month). I am asking you to prayerfully consider making a designated donation for food distribution. Donations of any size will make an enormous difference. If you can donate to general food distribution, please do so TODAY and offer tangible hope to a desperate family. We also offer food/hygiene packages as gifts for your sponsored children for $45 which includes enough supplies for an average family for 3-4 weeks.

I am ever grateful for your prayer and financial partnership. Thank you for providing food, one community at a time….one family at a time.

Stanley Mutunga