Tumaini International

Thankful for Support and Inspiration

Thankful for Support and Inspiration

Thankful for Support and Inspiration

“I thank God for His blessings upon my life. I prayed to God to give me strength, wisdom and grace and he has never let me down and today, I have a testimony of His works in my life,” said Felix in a recent interview.  Felix, now 28 years old, is a deeply passionate, focused and determined man.  He is my nephew and a Tumaini alumni. Recently, he was reflecting on his life’s journey to this point.   As the last born in a family of four, he remembers how they were brought up by their widowed mother after the death of their dad in 2005.  “I vividly remember before Tumaini intervened, I was in and out of school due to financial challenges. My elder brother Sebastian was like our father at that time. He used to encourage us to strive on with life amid the difficulties.”   

Felix’s siblings were the first to be sponsored by Tumaini and he was getting anxious.  Then in 2007, when he was in 7thgrade, he was sponsored by Kathleen. He remembers happy moments when he met Kathleen when she came to Kenya on a vision trip in the summer of the same year.  “We had a good time and she inspired me a lot and I promised not to let the opportunity go. She supported me from primary [elementary] level through completion of high school and college!” For his college education, Felix studied at Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) and graduated in 2018 with a Diploma in Nursing. After college, Felix decided to give back to Tumaini by working as an intern at our Medical Clinic.  He later got a job as a Registered Nurse (RN) at Wote in Makueni County Referral Hospital. He is currently working in Machakos County Level Five Hospital in the same capacity.

Felix is grateful to God for answering his prayers through Tumaini: “Thank you TUMAINI Family. You are such a blessing to my life. I am highly grateful to Kathleen for her support and inspiration. My life is blessed and am thankful to the LORD and my prayer is that He continues to bless Kathleen’s family and Tumaini at large.” 

Felix also had these words for his young brothers and sisters currently in the Tumaini program: “Never lose hope, there is a God who sees everything. He has plans for everyone and HE knew you before you were born. Keep on pressing on and GOD will guide you!”

Thank you to everyone who has sponsored a vulnerable child and/or just given funds to support the work. The inspirational story of Felix would not be possible without your prayers and generous support.  If you are looking for an opportunity to create another story of inspiration like Felix’s please go online or call TODAY to begin your sponsorship.  It costs just $38 a month to create another story of hope and inspiration.

Eternally grateful to you all.


Stanley Mutunga
President & CEO

COVID-19 UPDATE: As of Wednesday September 23rd, 2020:

  • The daily positivity cases continue to go down, really good news! 

  • 37348 total confirmed cases (1,888 new cases in the last 7 days)

  • 664 deaths (although any death is regrettable, only 27 people died in one week)

  • 47 Counties affected, covering the entire country 

  • We continue to thank God for His protection. All the children and the families that we support remain safe.  Our staff are all doing well and continuing to serve.