Tumaini International

A Grandmothers' Cry For Help

A Grandmothers' Cry For Help

“I am not sure what will happen to John when he completes 8th grade next year and I just pray that he gets help….” This was the cry of Kalondu when she visited our field office this week seeking sponsorship for her three grandchildren: John (15), Alice (10) and Benedict (7).

The children’s mother, Mwikali, divorced in 2013 and moved back with her mom. Unfortunately, the economic situation was unbearable at Kalondu’s and after a few years (2016) she left the children and moved to an unknown destination. The family has not heard from Mwikali ever since. Apart from the anxiety of not knowing where her daughter is, Kalondu continues to struggle to raise her grandchildren single-handedly without any income.

That is why I am sharing her story. Kalondu is doing her best to provide shelter and other basic needs but paying for the children’s education and healthcare is proving to be a tall order for her. She is especially concerned about tuition and fees for John when he joins high school next year. It costs just $38 a month to sponsor a child and completely change their story for the betterSponsoring these siblings will be the best Christmas gift one can ever give to Kalondu, JohnAlice, and Benedict. If you have been looking for an opportunity to sponsor a child in need, maybe for the first time, this is a great chance to do so. If you can, please go online TODAY and contact us via email or phone call. Thank you for your prayerful consideration to help these vulnerable siblings.

Ever grateful to you for your huge hearts!

Covid 19 Update

As of Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The daily positivity cases have flattened over the past two weeks.

  • 89,661 total confirmed positive cases to date.

  • 1,552 total deaths recorded (67 this week) relatively lower compared to previous weeks.

  • The cases continue to be reported from across all the 47 Counties. No new restrictions by the government yet but watching the situation closely.

Thank you for your prayers and concerns. We continue to thank God for His protection. All the children and the families that we support remain safe. Our staff are all doing well and continuing to serve.