Tumaini International

Grateful Steve

Grateful Steve

Grateful Steve

Today, he is a confident high school teacher of Biology and Agriculture.  But Steve has walked a long journey to get to this point and he knows where the credit should go. “I can truly say that God has performed miracles….”. Steve lost his parents within a year of each other when he was only three years old. He is the last born in a family of four. After his parents’ passing, he and his siblings were taken in by his uncle. Though a loving guardian, his uncle did not have enough resources to take care of the four siblings. He still remembers vividly those challenging years.  “Getting a single meal a day was not a walk in the park. Sometimes a day could go without any meal.

In 2004 Steve was sponsored through Tumaini. “I thank God things took a new shape when I was sponsored.”   After completing high school, Steve could not continue with college immediately because of lack of school fees.  For three months he worked as a day laborer as he puts it at “a very low salary”.  And then, “God was faithful that I got a chance to serve as a volunteer at Tumaini International offices at Masii in Kenya in 2013.  It was while Steve was volunteering that Tumaini got him another sponsor (Anthony) who paid for his university education. 

Looking back Steve says, “ I am a living testimony of what God can do.” Steve is the most gracious man, and he is thankful to the way God used Tumaini to create his beautiful story today. His commitment is to touch others’ lives. He says, “Tumaini taught me to touch others’ lives positively and …that is what I want to live to do to others.” 

"Thank you everyone for giving incredible youths like Steve an opportunity to thrive. But not all qualified students get donors for their college education. So We have created Alumni Fund for qualified youths like Steve to make it possible to attend college. If you would like to give to this fund, please do so TODAY so that together we can create more stories of hope. Thank you for your incredible support."


Stanley Mutunga

COVID-19 Update

December 3, 2020

The daily positivity cases have remained relatively high over the past two weeks.

  • 85,130 total confirmed positive cases to date (out of nearly one million tests since the pandemic started).

  • 1,485 total deaths recorded –an average of 85 deaths weekly over the recent past.

  • The cases continue to be reported from across all the 47 Counties. No new restrictions by the government yet but watching the situation closely.

  • Thank you for your prayers and concerns. We continue to thank God for His protection. All the children and the families that we support remain safe. Our staff are all doing well and continuing to serve.