Tumaini International

A Mother In Need

A Mother In Need

A Mother in Need

Naomi is a worried, widowed mother of 8 children. Her late husband was the breadwinner but, unfortunately, he died by suicide early last month after fighting for a while with a terminal illness.  Sadly, Naomi who is a day laborer was left behind with a huge responsibility to provide for her family.  Her meager income is barely enough to sustain them, let alone cater for the education of their 5 younger school-age children. Rachael (17) is a freshman in high school and her immediate sister Wambui (16) is in 7th grade.  There are three boys: Benson (13) grade 6, Nicholas (9) grade 2 and the youngest, Patrick (4), who is not in school yet. Patrick is epileptic and needs close attention, a situation that is much harder for Naomi to attend to regularly with her day labor.

I am appealing to anyone who maybe looking for an opportunity to sponsor one or several of these vulnerable children to prayerfully consider Naomi’s situation.  This is clearly a family in desperate of your help. It costs just $38 a month to provide sponsorship for one of these lovely children. 

COVID-19 Update:

As of Wednesday, November 4 2020

  • The daily positivity cases continued to go up this past week compared to the previous ones.

  • 58,587 total confirmed cases. Thus nearly a 1,000 new cases in one week, another record high!

  • 1,051 total deaths recorded with 101 dying this week (much higher compared to last week).

  • The cases are reported in all the 47 Counties. Clearly, we are headed the wrong direction and it remains to be seen what further measures the government will take in the coming days to mitigate the community spread.

    We continue to thank God for His protection. All the children and the families that we support remain safe. Our staff are all doing well and continuing to serve.