Tumaini International

Tumaini Celebrates 20 Years Today!

Tumaini Celebrates 20 Years Today!

Today Tumaini reached a milestone! Twenty years ago today, a dream originating in Rose’s and my heart and mind became a reality.  Tumaini launched when we started sponsoring 15 vulnerable children from the villages near Masii town, SE Kenya.  Fast forward 20 years, Tumaini is now reaching over 1500 children in 11 counties across Kenya. To celebrate this milestone, we are asking you to consider a donation TODAY of $20 or more to support 104 deserving students in our alumni scholarship fund. 

As we celebrate 20 years on the day, I want to invite all of us to focus on education, which is a key pillar of our mission.  More specifically, I need your help with our alumni scholarship fund.  As most of you know, regular sponsorship ends after 12th grade, and those who go on with their education rely on our limited scholarships. Catherine, who is now a junior student at Kenyatta University pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Education knows all too well what the alumni scholarship has meant for her: In 2016, I was supposed to join university but could not because of financial constraints. I was forced to put my schooling on hold to look for a job…. I ended up working as a waitress where I earned $3 a day. The money was barely enough to cater for my daily expenses let alone paying for my education ……. I finally managed to be safe but only enough to attend school for one semester……... I was devastated …. I knew my dreams were shattered. Today I thank God that Tumaini gave me a helping hand. This scholarship fund has helped me to pay part of my school fees and my daily upkeep. Tumaini gave me hope because they took over as my support system.  

Cosmas is also a beneficiary of this fund.  He is pursuing a diploma in Plumbing after several years of struggle after high school:  I had no money to go to college, so I worked on the Tumaini campus and at the girls’ school as a day laborer ……. I wanted to raise money to join college to learn plumbing, my career passion. But despite my efforts, the money was not enough…. But in January 2020, I received a scholarship from Tumaini and joined Uwezo College. 

 Catherine and Cosmas are just two examples of some of the outstanding young people that we are privileged to support beyond high school. Currently, we have 104 such deserving studentsOur goal today is to raise $5000.  In the spirit of 20 years, we are asking EVERYONE to prayerfully consider participating in donating $20 TODAY. We have launched a special Facebook donation page for the cause or you may donate directly here or mail a check with “alumni fund” in the memo.   We are also asking you to ask 20 people in your networks to donate $20 for this cause.  Maybe you may want to donate $20 on behalf of someone else for a special occasion. Again, our goal is to raise $5000 for this critically important aspect of our mission. Through your support over the last 20 years of our focus on education, healthcare, and socio-economic development, both the children and their communities are receiving comprehensive support.

Thank you for valuing education and helping us reach our goal today. #20 years, $20 changes lives.

Eternally grateful to you.

Stanley Mutunga

President/CEO, Tumaini International

Covid 19 Update:

Tuesday, September 7th, 2021

  • We continue to see the community spread of the deadly Delta Variant across the country.

  • The average positivity rate was back to double digits at 10.4% which is slightly higher compared to the previous week.

  • There were 5,839 new cases which are slightly higher than reported the previous week. The total caseload is now 241,134.

  • There were 80 deaths, slightly lower than the number reported in the previous week. Total deaths now stand at 4,800.

  • Some good news! There is positive uptake of vaccines across the country. At the same time, the US government has pledged to donate approximately 3.1 million vaccines to the Kenya government, both Moderna and Pfizer types. Already 880,460 doses of Moderna vaccines arrived in the country this week!