Tumaini International

Improved Correspondance as Things GET BACK TO NORMAL

Improved Correspondance as Things GET BACK TO NORMAL

Some important academic calendar and curriculum changes have recently taken place in Kenya. This information is especially for those who sponsor elementary and high school aged children as these changes may have affected your usual correspondence with your child(ren).

Due to school closures during Covid-19, Kenya’s academic calendar was changed to compensate for the time missed during the pandemic. School semesters were extended and only a couple of days were allowed for breaks. This change was costly for Tumaini as we were now required to pay additional school fees and no longer had the time to hold our Bible camps. Usually, the children write to their sponsors during these camps because it works well logistically, but because we could not hold camps over the last three years, many letters were not written. Our staff tried their best to retrieve letters from the children regardless of the circumstances, however, schools were not allowing visitors and with 95% of our children living in rural areas, it was nearly impossible to retrieve any type of correspondence.

With that being said, we are happy to announce that things are slowly getting back to normal. For the first time in a long time, students are taking their normal school holidays. We held our Bible camps this past April for the first time in 3 years and it was a tremendous success! Going forward we expect to resume our normal interaction opportunities with the sponsored children and letter correspondence will improve. Thank you for your patience.

Sponsors may email, electronically send a card to sponsored children via our website, or mail cards and letters to PO BOX 6072, Corona, CA  92878-6072 to initiate communication. We will do our part to distribute these cards, letters, and any gifts at the next school holiday.

Please save the date and look for more information in the coming months so that you can join us!

Eternally grateful,

Stanley M. Mutunga
President and CEO