Tumaini International

You Gave Him an Incredible Gift

You Gave Him an Incredible Gift

Pointing to his newly constructed house Kazungu proudly said, “Nobody owns a house like this [ours] in this village." Walking gingerly with the support of his walking stick, the 70-year-old man was expressing his gratitude when we visited him this week at his Kolewa village, Kilifi, Kenya.   This was a different man than I had met in February when I visited him at his home.  The house where he and his 10-year-old son Joseph lived was in shambles.  Indeed, their overall living conditions were deplorable. I have seen and experienced poverty firsthand but this situation was bad. I then shared the sad story and photos with my Facebook friends, and they responded immediately with donations to build the family a new house. Tumaini has now built the family a decent house that will last them many decades.  The ever-smiling Kazungu was overwhelmed by the love and generosity of so many who came to his rescue.  He was grateful to everyone who donated, including his son's teacher who ensures that the family's day-to-day needs are met.  Kazungu said, ‘’I thank God for what you have done for me and my son. It has taken His mighty hand."

Joseph is sponsored by Tumaini, and Kazungu was incredibly grateful for the support. "My son is no longer sent (home) from school because you are paying school fees for him, and you also provide food for him," Kazungu said. 

This is one of the partner families that has multiple challenges. Kazungu’s wife reportedly left him after she developed some mental challenges several years ago and nobody seems to know where she is. It was good to learn that Kazungu's other son was taken to a children's home in another town. Kazungu himself has difficulty walking. In addition, he frequents the hospital every two weeks for his other ailments.  Despite these challenges and limitations, Kazungu makes the effort to support himself and his son. He makes brooms from locally available material to earn a living.

Thank you for giving this family a new start in life.  Joseph and his brother have a decent place to call home. Kazungu has peace of mind with a major need taken care of.  This is what concrete hope means. This is what sponsorship means for some families.  We bring hope to one family at a time.  If you have been looking for an opportunity to bring hope to a family begin by sponsoring a child.  Please call on go online TODAY and find a vulnerable boy or girl and start the journey of transforming life, like Joseph's.

Thank you all for changing thousands of children and vulnerable communities in Kenya…one child at a time….one village at a time.

Forever grateful,

Stanley Mutunga



As of Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

  • The daily positivity rate continues to fluctuate standing at 8.7% on Tuesday this week.

  • Since schools re-opened for in-person learning last month, there has not been any sharp rise in new cases. Terrific news!

  • Except for passengers traveling from India, international travel restrictions have been lifted but still with Covid protocols specific to the country being observed.

  • There were 3,739 new positive cases which are slightly higher than last week, bringing the total number to 179,876 cases.

  • There were 56 deaths this past week which is half the number reported in the previous week. Death total now stands at 3,484

  • Nightly curfews (10:00 pm to 4:00 am) were extended for another 60 days.

  • Some 1,190,889 people have been partially vaccinated with only over 194,475 having received two doses of AstraZeneca.

  • We continue to thank God for His protection over our staff, sponsored children, and their families.