Tumaini International

A Family In Need

A Family In Need

A Family in Need

"My son victor keeps asking me if I will be able to take him to high school and I always tell him that "the Lord will provide when that time comes," assuring words from Miriam, a 30-year-old mother of three boys. Miriam's husband has been serving a life sentence in prison since 2014, leaving her and their three sons in a vulnerable situation. Miriam is a day laborer and struggles to feed and provide other basic supplies for the family. Victor, their oldest son is 13 years old and in 8th grade. He hopes to transition to high school this summer, but the family is not able to pay for it. The second-born, Allan is 12 years old and in 5th grade, while the last-born, Meshack is nine years old and in 2nd grade. Miriam is a woman of faith so when Victor asked her if he will be able to go to high school, she was blunt about their economic situation but pointed to their source of hope: "Sincerely [I] am not sure if I will make it but our good God knows." This is a family in dire need of the children's sponsorship. If you have been prayerfully considering taking additional kids or, sponsoring a vulnerable child for the first time, this is a great opportunity where you can make a lasting impact. I know sponsoring these boys will put a smile on Miriam's face.

Thank you for your consideration to help. Thank you for partnering with hundreds of mothers and grandmothers like Miriam to bring tangible hope to thousands of vulnerable children.


As of Tuesday, April 20th, 2021

· This week the daily positivity rate is averaging at 13% as the third wave rages on.

· Schools remain closed across the country for in-person learning as the 12th-grade class students complete their national exit exams this week.

· There is a partial lockdown affecting 5 counties (out of 47) that have been impacted the most by the current third wave. People within the 5 counties can only move within and those of other counties are not allowed in. While the move is understandable, it is causing major economic challenges throughout the country.

· There were 5,376 new positive cases, a slight decrease from last week bringing the total so far to 152,523.

· There were 125 deaths this week bringing the total to 2,519.

· Nightly curfews continue from 8:00 to 4:00 am and extended are still in place.

· Over 700,000 people have so far been vaccinated but still a long way to go.

· Schools remain closed across the country for in-person learning as the 12th-grade class students complete their national exit exams this week.

Our staff is all doing well and continuing to serve.