Tumaini International

Let Us Get Them to the Finish Line

Let Us Get Them to the Finish Line

They are almost done! These five high school children have worked extremely hard to come close to completing high school. Sebastian and Faith are in grade 11 while ElizabethRachael, and Julius are in grade 10. The challenge, however, is that their sponsors can no longer continue to financially support them. Our commitment as an organization is never to drop vulnerable children before they complete high school or higher. So, we are now supporting these five children (among others) from our Hope Funds but long term, this is not sustainable. So, I need your help to get these amazing youngsters sponsored!

If you have been thinking about taking on a child, this is a great opportunity. The good news is that this will be a short-term commitment since they are so close to finishing high school. For just $38 a month you give one of the girls or boys tangible hope through sponsorship. Or maybe you can share this opportunity with those in your networks for prayerful consideration. You can pray too because God knows each child here and their specific journey. Whatever you can do, please do so TODAY. For sponsorship, please go online and pick one or more of these children or email us to add them to an existing account.  

Thank you once again for making a lasting difference in the lives of thousands of vulnerable children and communities through Tumaini.


Stanley Mutunga

President and CEO