Tumaini International

A Gift That Keeps On Giving

A Gift That Keeps On Giving

"I take care of these special gifts that I received from my sponsors. Every day after I come from school, I count my goats just to make sure they are all at home," said an incredibly grateful Cynthia.  The 14-year-old Cynthia is a total orphan and lives with her grandparents.  Despite some health challenges, Cynthia has been able to continue with her education while at the same time looking after her goats.  

After sponsoring her in 2013, when she was in Kindergarten, Matthew and Destiny gifted Cynthia with two female goats.  With the help of her grandparents, Cynthia took good care of the two goats and they kept producing more. Today, Cynthia has a tribe of 11 goats! Recently, she was proudly expressing how the goats have brought joy to her life in more ways than anticipated. "Any time I have a basic need like clothes and books, I sell one of the goats which give me enough money to address my needs."  We are immensely proud of Cynthia and her grandparents for being great stewards of a seemingly small gift.  

Thank you to everyone who has gifted their sponsored children with life-changing animals. Unfortunately, not every sponsored child is able or in a position to take care of animals.  So, should you want to give your child an animal, please email us to confirm with our field staff if the family can take care of the animals. Always grateful for your life-changing partnership to transform Kenya, one child at a time.

Some other gift options are pair of chickens, a food and hygiene package, bedding and mattress, books and educational supplies, and birthday gifts! See more via the button below! 


Stanley Mutunga

COVID-19 Update:

As of Wednesday, March 17, 2021

-This week the daily positivity rate continued to go up as the third wave rages on.
-There were 5,954 new positive cases which almost double from last week bringing the total so far to 116,310.
-39 people lost their lives this past week to the disease bringing the total to 1,937 to date. Though not too high, this is also trending in the wrong direction.
-Due to the rising cases, the nightly curfew (from 10:00 pm to 4:00 am) has been extended for another two months.
-So far 20,000 people have been vaccinated. We have a long ways to go for a country with over 40 million people. Nevertheless, a start.
-The good news remains! Since the country-wide school re-openings, there has not been a spike of cases despite the challenges with social distance.

We continue to thank God for His protection. All the children and the families that we support remain safe. Our staff is all doing well and continuing to serve.