Tumaini International

Tumaini Brings Tumaini to Dzimanya Village

Tumaini Brings Tumaini to Dzimanya Village

“Tumaini has brought tumaini (which means hope) in this community.  Since its launch in 1997, students in Dzimanya Primary school have known nothing but learning under trees and dilapidated mud buildings and sitting on rocks”, said Mkala, deputy head teacher.  He continued: “In addition to sponsoring tens of vulnerable children in this community, Tumaini is helping with new desks and classrooms.  We are grateful for bringing true tumaini to this region”. 

It is indeed a joy to see the physical changing landscape of this school, located deep in Kwale county. Last Thursday several our staff and I joined the community in dedicating a newly constructed classroom, a deputy head teachers office, and a mini library.  We also provided 150 desks and now every student in the school can sit at a desk for a better learning environment.  Previously, several classes sat on rocks and under trees to learn. We are grateful for our long-time partners, Dennis and Karen for partnering with us to construct these critically needed facilities for Dzimanya Elementary school.  

We recognize that we may never be able to renovate, construct classrooms, or buy desks for every school in Kenya but this is a start. From time to time, however, we face heartbreaking situations where our sponsored children learn under incredibly poor circumstances which is why we join the community of Dzimanya in celebrating this incredible success story!


Stanley Mutunga

COVID-19 Update:

As of Wednesday, February 17, 2021

  • The daily positivity has remained below 5% this week. Incredibly good news!

  • There is a total of 103,188 confirmed positive cases to date.

  • The cases continue to be reported from across all the 47 Counties.

  • There is a nightly curfew (from 10:00pm to 4:00am) which will continue through the end of March.

  • The government has announced the launch vaccinations beginning next month.

  • Since the country-wide school re-openings, there has not been a spike of cases despite the challenges with social distance.

We continue to thank God for His protection. All the children and the families that we support remain safe. Our staff are all doing well and continuing to serve.