Tumaini International

My 15 Years’ Experience

Are you a current or former child sponsor through Tumaini? Do you sometimes wonder if you are really making a difference in the life of the child that you sponsor? These are legitimate questions, especially if you have never had a chance to visit your sponsored child/children. I can assure you that you are making a lasting difference in the life of a vulnerable child and, and many times, the entire family community. Listen to what Ryan, a long-time partner in this work had to say about his experience and memories with Tumaini over the past fifteen years. If you have been thinking about sponsoring a child and making a lasting difference in their lives, simply go online or call us TODAY! If you are a church or a group that would like to adopt a village in Kenya through child sponsorship and change the trajectory of an entire community, please contact us and we will furnish you with more information.

I also want to take this opportunity to introduce you to Stephanie Gable, Ryan’s wife, Tumaini champion, and our new Assistant U.S. Program Director. When you call or email Tumaini, you are likely to get a greeting or response from Stephanie as she is now working with Susan and covering donor relations. We are so grateful to have her on our staff.

Thank you everyone for your amazing partnership throughout this year. You have touched the lives of thousands of vulnerable children and communities in Kenya. May God receive all the glory. Thank you all!

Covid 19 Update: 

Monday, November 29th, 2021

The overall Covid- 19 numbers across the country continue to trend in the right direction! For instance:

  • The new Omicron Covid-19 variant has not been reported in Kenya.

  • The Omicron has so far affected Southern Africa nations only; Kenya is in East Africa.

  • Average positivity rate continues to be low as reported in previous weeks.

  • There were an estimated 371 new cases reported this week, which is about the same as previous weeks. The total case load is now 255,000.

  • There were 9 reported deaths. Total deaths now stand at 5,334.

  • In person learning continues in all schools across the country.

  • No new bans on international travel although Covid-19 protocols are still in place, such as recent negative Covid-19 tests are still in place.

  • Tumaini will resume Vision Trips in 2022 so call us if you are planning to participate.

  • There is continued positive uptake of vaccines across the country from previous weeks!

  • There is also more availability of vaccines than ever before. These include Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna (from the US), AstraZeneca (from UK) and Sinopharm (from China).