Tumaini International




Mulwa is 8 years old but is only in Kindergarten, the same class as his four-year-old sister Agnes. Most of the day he sits in the same spot and tries to smile at people passing by. According to a recent medical diagnosis, Mulwa is suffering from Angelman syndrome, a genetic complex disorder that affects the nervous system. As a result, Mulwa’s overall development has been adversely affected, especially his ability to speak and move freely on his own.

Unfortunately, Mulwa’s mother mildly suffers the same condition and this has made it hard for her to take care of her two children.The family is extremely poor as their father has no formal skills and the odd jobs he does are not enough to take care of his family financially.  This is a family that is highly unstable. The good news is that Agnes is sponsored but due to the mother’s mental condition, Tumaini is taking the unusual step to negotiate with the father to allow us to move Agnes to a private boarding school where she can be better-taken care of.  

Ordinarily, Tumaini doesn’t sponsor children with both parents or send them to boarding primary schools except in cases of dire vulnerable situations. This family’s situation calls for such an action.  I am appealing to you for Mulwa’s sponsorship so that he can attend a special needs school and get the help that he needs. 

If you are in a position to provide hope to a child with special needs, please consider Mulwa.  Also, you may know of friends or your social networks where you can share this need.  Please do because Mulwa desperately needs some intervention before it is too late to help him.  If you can help, please call us TODAY or click and sponsor Mulwa and provide the hope and stability that he needs.

Thank you for caring.  I have truly been humbled by your outpouring love and participation in bringing hope to a few deserving children…one child at a time.

Stanley Mutunga, 